Family Owned & Operated Since 1995! | Serving the Chicagoland Area & Northwest Indiana

Tri-State Disposal

Dumpster Rental Available in Maywood, IL

Find the Right Size of Your Dumpster

From worn-out furniture and décor to cleared-out landscaping, sometimes you just have more trash to throw out than you can fit inside your standard garbage can. A dumpster rental from Tri-State Disposal can help. Whether you need a dumpster to help clear out the junk from your home or need a permanent dumpster with regular servicing on your business’s property, we have what you need.

Services We Offer

Rather than driving your trash to a transfer station yourself or getting rid of it gradually by throwing away as much of it as can fit inside your garbage can each week, why not have someone else do the dirty work for you?

There’s no denying the convenience of having a dumpster dropped off right at your property and picked up when you are done with it. If you’d prefer, you can also bring your trash straight to our transfer station. The ability to have your trash easily gathered will make your project easier.

We also offer other services beyond dumpster rentals, including waste tire disposal, recycling, and Transfer station.

Located in Riverdale, IL, we also provide service to all of the surrounding areas, including Maywood, IL. To get in touch with us, call 708.388.9910 or fill out our online form.

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